A beginner’s guide to Mindfulness

A beginner’s guide to Mindfulness

A beginner’s guide to Mindfulness

A beginner's guide to mindfulness

Mindfulness is something I began to learn towards the end of the first lockdown, when like many I was looking at different ways to occupy myself. Looking after your mental health, your body and your mind is something that I’ve taken pride in this year. Ten months ago, if you had told me to meditate and be mindful, I would have had no idea where to start. So, if you feel like you are in that situation currently, that is where this article and my personal experience is going to come in handy.


First off read, read and read. Educating yourself about mindfulness and how you feel definitely helped me. One of my favourite books to read has to be ‘Good Vibes, Good Life’ by Vex King. His inspirational story and his positive outlook on life helped me start my journey of mindfulness. It is filled with quotes and gives you plenty of techniques to try such as meditation, manifestation and gratitude. In fact, the reason I first noticed this book was because of its quotes since one of my friends posted it on twitter and recommended it. This book definitely changed my perspective on life and is something I suggest reading.

“Positive thinking is the act of choosing ideas that empower you over those that limit you” – Vex King

A beginner's guide to mindfulness


Secondly, make sure you have a bullet journal, diary or a notebook as a place to jot down your thoughts. I even use it to organise what I need to do each week and each month. You can spend hours on Pinterest finding ways to lay it out, but don’t worry if it doesn’t turn out how you expect because mine 100% didn’t but it still works the same. This will give you a space to write your thoughts, feelings and try different mindful exercises such as gratitude and manifestation. I found it helpful to write down six positive things a day three at night and then three in the morning when I wake up about the previous day. This wasn’t a technique from a book, instead it was something I found on Pinterest and is something that works for me.


Thirdly, download some mindfulness apps that will help you learn how to mediate. I’ve read many books and seen a lot of influencers on Instagram talk about meditation and how it has changed their lives. This is something that I have only recently started doing but I already feel like it is a skill that is helping me. Two apps that I found have helped me are Calm and Headspace, both which I think work perfectly, but there are many other apps to use. There are also many books about meditation that include step by step guides and exercises.

A beginner's guide to mindfulness


Fourthly, as much as it is basic, exercise helps a lot. Whether it’s going on a run, going to the gym, doing a home work-out or even going for a walk, it helps more than you think. Before the first lockdown, I used to go to the gym a few times a week, however, for the first month of lockdown I took the time to have a rest and, like everyone, ate anything and everything in sight. This is still something that I do but I decided to start running a few times a week instead. I find going on a run in the morning motivates me for the rest of the day. Running is something that I still do now and still feel like I benefit from both physically and mentally. I put my headphones in and go into my own zone.


Finally, even when you’re busy, don’t forget self-care. Each week I paint my nails, put a hair mask in and a face mask on and catch up on whatever series I’m watching. Taking time out for yourself is something I have found really helpful, especially when we were in lockdown this made me feel like myself again. Self-care can even be watching your favourite youtuber or your comfort series. However, make sure that whatever you watch, it empowers you and doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself; this goes for who you follow on social media as well since that can have a real impact on your mood and mental health.

A beginner's guide to mindfulness
